you have good cause to feel ill-treated 意味

  • 虐待されていると感じてもよい十分な理由がある


        ill-treated:    《be ~》ひどい扱いを受ける、ひどい取り扱いを受る
        have good cause to do so:    そうするだけの十分な理由がある
        have reserved an especially good room for you:    特別いいお部屋をお取りしておきました
        ill treated child:    
        ill treated children:    
        ill-treated child:    被虐待児
        ill-treated children:    虐待{ぎゃくたい}されている子どもたち
        feel ill:    体調{たいちょう}が優れない、気持ち[気分?具合]が悪い Are you feeling ill? 具合でも悪いんじゃないの?
        feel ill-will for:    ~にむかつく、~を怒っている
        for good or ill:    善かれ悪しかれ{よかれあしかれ}、良くも悪くも
        treated by correcting the cause of:    《be ~》~の原因{げんいん}を修正{しゅうせい}することによって治療{ちりょう}される
        feel treated disrespectfully:    不当{ふとう}な扱いを受けたと感じる
        good for you:     Góod for yóu! でかした;うまいぞ,やるねえ《◆意外な気持を抱きながらも相手の健闘をたたえる》.
        be in a good cause:     be ìn [for]a góod càuse 〈行為が〉善意のためである.
        for a good cause:    大義名分{たいぎめいぶん}の下{もと}で[に]、正当{せいとう}な理由{りゆう}[動機{どうき}]があって The school was collecting money from the students for a good cause. One of the students got a cancer, and he needed money for the surgery.


  1. "you have full authority to shut down the reactor" 意味
  2. "you have full discretion to act" 意味
  3. "you have full discretion to say so" 意味
  4. "you have given him cause for anger" 意味
  5. "you have gone down in my estimation" 意味
  6. "you have got me there" 意味
  7. "you have great composure" 意味
  8. "you have grounds for complaint" 意味
  9. "you have grown more like your father" 意味
  10. "you have given him cause for anger" 意味
  11. "you have gone down in my estimation" 意味
  12. "you have got me there" 意味
  13. "you have great composure" 意味

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